Monday 3 November 2014

Tips on How to Improve your Bedroom

If someone would  ask me, what is my favorite part of the house?  My quick response is, my bedroom. The bedroom is your personal space  at home where you love to relax, sleep, watch movies, read your favorite book, or simply a romantic place to be with your partner. With all these stuffs that we can do in this precious space, here are some tips on how to improve your bedroom. 


1. Choose the right color to your walls

A calming shade in a cool color family  like blue, green or purple is perfect for your new  and improved bedroom. Make sure to stick to more natural paint, as this will make your bedroom feel more comforting and relaxing.

Your mattress is  the  bedroom’s most prominent feature. So be sure to have a good one. Improving your bedroom could also mean upgrading your mattress because after all, having a restful sleep is still the most important.

3. Put up some curtains

Framing windows with curtains is a great way to add glamour and personality to your room. Curtains do a good job at keeping  light out of your room during the day. Curtains that have a black lining design is ideal for bedrooms because it doesn't allow any light to filter through.

4. Have a clean, organize desk

We often use our rooms to work and study. A desk with drawers is great for storage to keep all your books, notebooks and other important papers.  Having a clean and organized desk helps to keep our room look neat and tidy.

5. Organize your closet

Take all your old clothes out of your dresser. It might not be easy, but tossing out or donating old clothes can help to make your closet organize. Also, arranging your clothes by color from dark to light would be better.

6. Get rid of the electronics

Be vigilant about this. You should only use your bedroom to sleep in and relax, so you better get rid of your electronic gadgets (cell phones, laptops, computers). The moment you step into your bedroom you should allow yourself to feel safe and secure. So make sure your bedroom is only for rest. 

7. Put up some frames

Since the bedroom is our private place, having a large hanging frame of your collection  or  single framed photo is all you need to add a subtle personal touch to your room. 

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